★身边的榜样 为你喝彩:电信学院外籍教师Sam 我与中国共进退



据了解,虽然身在尼泊尔,但Sam经常通过网络同所在的科研团队进行沟通,就一些技术难题进行研讨。他的科研工作不仅没有因疫情停止,而且还取得了不小的进展,撰写的论文Bayesian Neural Network approach: Analysis of Resource allocation for different IoT applications被国际会议International Joint Conference on Neural Networks录用。此外,Sam还经常向尼泊尔民众传递中国应对疫情的硬核举措和一定能够战胜疫情的信心,宣传中国对科技人才的重视,鼓励尼泊尔高校教师和博士生到中国开展学术交流,推荐优秀本科生来我校读研深造。(通讯员 毕明理)


We are with you China

By: Dr. Sumarga Kumar Sah Tyagi (Sam)


作者:苏玛加·库马尔·萨·蒂亚吉博士(萨姆) 翻译:李春雷

Figures released by China’s National Health Commission as of 10Marchmorning on impact of COVID-19 states that there were 29 newly reported confirmed cases in China,1,513 patients were cured and discharged from hospital in China. This brought the total number of cured cases to 60,197. China's epidemic control is getting better and better.


China’s efforts, governance as well as diplomatic, look focused, among others, implementing the three actions suggested by prestigious Shanghai Institutes of International Studies (SIIS, January 2020), they are: First, optimize the existing epidemic information disclosure mechanisms.Second, strengthen international exchange of experience in epidemic control. And third, oppose discrimination against epidemic-struck regions and people. A sense of indebtedness is inherent in China. After controlling the Coronavirus epidemic within its borders, China has started extending a helping hand beyond the borders in countries where the epidemic has been spreading.


As if after the storm, the rainbow is arising. China is ever ready to improve and strengthen emergency communication and coordination mechanism on public health and epidemic prevention with friends and neighbors, enhance information sharing on the epidemic, exchange related experiences and technologies, and conduct cooperation on diagnosis, treatment and medicine and vaccine R&D. It has further offered to coordinate epidemic prevention and control efforts by strengthening regulation at entry and exit points with stepped up inspection and quarantine, including cutting down unnecessary cross-border travels.


I’m in Nepal for the time being and cannot come back to China right away. I have been kept in touch with and taken good care of from my college every day, being explored the extent of the research with my Chinese fellow workers, which makes me feel warm and beloved. Doing my research through the internet during the period and favored by communicating with my other team workers at all times brings me my great progress. And the international conference I followed decided on my paper.




In addition, I have been actively involved in praising and spreading China’s increasingly great ability, strength and potential when facing with the NCP. Moreover, I have been devoting to promoting China’s attaching great importance to talents work and encouraging college teachers and professionals coming to China for academic exchange as well, with recommending graduates to receive further education to get master’s degree in China.


Finally, I pray for the country which gave me a safe place for Study and Work. The country which I call as my second home. Let’s pray for the people of China and everyone who are suffering from CoVID-19.


I love China and I stand with all of you.


上一条:★身边的榜样 为你喝彩:机电学院 “疫”中别样教 教中别样学
下一条:?★?身边的榜样 为你喝彩:建筑工程学院建筑系 凝心聚力 多维并举 高质量推进线上教学工作

